Programul tematic Elie Wiesel Study Tour, aflat la cea de-a șasea ediție, a fost finanțat de către Ambasada Statelor Unite în România, Ambasada Regatului Țărilor de Jos în România, Institutul Polonez din București, Ambasada Republicii Federale Germania și Ambasada Statului Israel în România, cu suportul Institutul Național pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România „Elie Wiesel”, Ambasada Republicii Austria în România, OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation, JCC Krakow, Holocaust Memorial Center – Budapest, Casa Memorială Elie Wiesel, Zizin, McDonalds și al partenerilor media Romania Pozitivă și Radio România Cultural.

Andrei Olteanu
“The Elie Wiesel Study tour is that moment of life that a person who wants to have an impact on society must follow. The program organized by the American Councils is complete, having a very clear structure, with a program that takes into account the evolution of the Holocaust from a historical point of view. The experts and guides consider the multidisciplinarity of the participants and insert information for the whole audience in their speech. The places we visit give you an overall picture of the final solution implemented in the concentration and extermination camps, and the Jewish ghettos show us unequivocally the everyday life of the Jews and their persecution. Each stage of the Elie Wiesel study tour represents a piece of a puzzle, each equally important, which, if you put it where it needs to be, you have a painting with a lot of details in front of you, but often difficult to look at.”
Uță Ana-Alexandra
“My participation in the Elie Wiesel Study Tour was a gallery of moods, portraits, and acquired knowledge. The organization, the team, and the professor made the impact offered by the visit and preparation in advance for what we will know within the memorials, to be one we received in stages, in a methodological construction of states and knowledge.”
Cristian Ichim
“It was an exceptional tour that highlights some of the most dramatic moments of the past century. We visited places filled with emotion and had the opportunity to travel back in time to explore history in the finest details. The Jewish community suffered immensely, and now, as Holocaust survivors become fewer, their stories must be carried forward to the next generations. We must not forget; above all, we must not accept remaining passive and indifferent to society's shortcomings.”
Vlad Ciucăr
“Our tour’s motto, “Explore the past. Shape the future,” lives to its meaning. As a history student, I can confirm that even though throughout history, humanity has been short-sighted regarding such horrific events, there are still glimmers of hope that future generations can learn from the dark past to have a brighter future.”
Bianca-Mihaela Antohe
“The Elie Wiesel study tour 2023 experience allowed me to deepen my knowledge about the tragic event of the 20th century, the Holocaust. At the same time, I learned new information, but I had the opportunity to visit those historical places I read about in books during college. Thus, the experience during the tour was unique, and I learned how vital moral values (such as empathy, kindness, and respect) are in society. At the same time, I also learned aspects related to human rights and their impact, radically transforming society and the collective mentality.”