Legitimacy and equivalence of studies
Taking into account the solid diplomatic relations between Romania and the United States of America, the benefits of learning in a different educational system and the positive impact of exchanges of experience on the personal and professional development of young people, the American Councils for International Education and the Ministry of Education signed, in 2015, a collaboration protocol for the implementation of the FLEX Program in Romania, thus giving it increased legitimacy.
Equivalence of studies
According to the legislation in force (Pre-University Education Law no. 198/2023 and O.M.E.C. no. 5638/2020), the year of high school attended in the United States of America can be equated. In order to equate the period of study completed through the FLEX Program, the scholarship holders must contact the County School Inspectorate or the School Inspectorate of the Municipality of Bucharest, depending on the educational unit in which they are enrolled. Equivalence procedures vary on a case-by-case basis.
It is important for students applying for the FLEX Program, as well as their families, to understand that FLEX is not an academic scholarship but a cultural experience exchange program. Its priority is not to equate the studies upon returning to Romania, but to offer a rich and complex cultural experience.
The FLEX Program is NOT responsible for completing the formalities regarding the recognition and equivalence of the high school year spent in the USA and does not assume responsibility for the academic documents that may be brought from the USA.
Each applicant is responsible for documenting the procedures for recognition and equivalence of studies, as well as the necessary documents, which they must obtain from the high school in the USA in order to submit them later in Romania, within the equivalence file.
The FLEX Program provides informative materials on the process of equivalence of studies, with an exclusively indicative role. However, we do not assume responsibility for the conduct of these procedures or for any legislative changes that may occur at any time during the exchange program.
The National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) manages the recognition and equivalence procedures exclusively for high school graduation diplomas. For further details, contact CNRED at www.cnred.edu.ro.
The contact persons on behalf of the National Center for the Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas (CNRED) are:
Mirela ANDRONE, inspector
Email mirela.androne@edu.gov.ro
Telephone 021 405 56 71, Fax 021 313 10 13
More information regarding the recognition and equivalence, upon returning to Romania, of the high school year followed in the USA by Romanian high school scholars can be found here!
Legitimacy and equivalence of studies
FLEX Program for Students with Disabilities
Program Information
FLEX Program Brochure 2025-2026
Funded by
The United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
For further information, contact us at: flex.ro@americancouncils.org
Phone number: +40 748 612 570
Instagram: American Councils Romania
Facebook: FLEX Romania